Jamie Oliver
After successfully getting through the chemistry meeting with Jamie Oliver’s personal advisor and management team, we were asked to return and present in true Jamie style – a 30 minute pitch.  

It was a very open brief, they wanted to hear expert thoughts on how we would could take JamieOliver.com to the next level: “If it were all up to you, what would you do?”

The Approach
We started with a Fjord London brainstorm over lunch to get the juices flowing, with bags full of ideas, we set to work thinking about what was missing from JamieOliver.com.

We quickly realized that it was the service. Our brief became ‘How do we create Jamie Oliver the service?’

Jamie+ was developed, a service that would wrap around Jamie’s user base and give members access to all of Jamie’s content, plus its members content that could be shared peer-to-peer.

Using a simple subscription model, it would give people the ability to experience new exciting food, And bring people back to that would be hard to let go of once they’d built up their taste book. The backstage service facilitated the aggregation of local ingredients, allowing sellers to work together and make food and the high street great again. 

A meal planning service was visualized to show one possible user journey, from planning what to cook for the whole week based on your tastes and kitchen skills, through to ordering the ingredients by local stores on your high street, to tapping into services like TaskRabbit to get local people earning for small tasks, such as delivering shopping - all the way back into the kitchen with help cooking the meal.
Project highlight
For me -  getting man handled from behind by Jamie Oliver whilst demonstrating the prototype.
Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver
